Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hair removal: Datsumo Labo/ SSC hair removal (Step one: The consultation process)

I finally took the plunge and signed up for six sessions of hair removal at Datsumo Labo. All hair, everywhere, gone. Cost is about 160000 yen. (There are other plans available, including site specific removal.)

The sign up process was pretty complicated if you are not comfortable with your Japanese. First, you apply for a consultation online. Then, you get a phone call with some basic questions. Finally, you go in for an hour consultation and choose your plan.

The entire thing is in Japanese, and there are some pretty non-standard words being tossed around, so it's not for the faint of heart. (Although everyone is really nice.)

You can pay by credit card, cash, or bank transfer. You will need to sign a contract, and they insisted I use my hanko and not simply sign my name.

The take home message is: it takes about 18 visits to be hair-free. For the first 3-4 months, you can go twice a month. After that, it's once a month.

Before you go: shave completely, if you don't, they will shave you for a charge (either 1000 yen or 1500 yen); don't use any lotions or oils; don't get a tan.

After your appointment: don't take a bath (shower only); don't drink; don't exercise. You are also supposed to refrain from hair removal in between visits. I'm not sure how that will even be remotely possible for me...

I had to wait a week to book my first appointment, it's apparently VERY popular in Japan.

A basic English website exists for Datsumo Labo Singapore.

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