Saturday, January 3, 2015

Workouts for a cold, snowy, Japanese winter: Tracy Anderson and online Vinyasa

When it is too snowy and icy to run, and when my yoga studio is closed for holiday, I have been looking for at-home workouts. I recalled a number of years ago attempting the Tracy Anderson 30 day Bootcamp, and, while not turning into Gwyneth Paltrow, having some success. Recently, Tracy has put her previously only available on DVD workouts online on her website. I've also found the complete 45 minute dance cardio video from the old Bootcamp DVDs on YouTube.

It gives me even more of a cardio workout than running 5K, but I find it a bit boring. Also, it's a bit difficult to do in a Japanese apartment, unless you live on the first floor, since there is SO MUCH JUMPING. Finally, I've found it's pretty essential to wear sneakers while doing the workout, so unless you have a plan for that...

I find the mat workout totally killer, but easy to do in a typical Japanese apartment. I found most of the Bootcamp ab workout online. Note that you are supposed to do 40-60 reps of each exercise, even though there are not as many demonstrated.

I tried the arm workout (with weights) for the first time today. It was ok.

I also did this Intermediate Vinyasa video by Leslie Fightmaster. It gave me a nice glow, but some of the poses were way too advanced for me and I don't recommend trying them without the assistance of a teacher! However, it did fit the bill of getting up a sweat and keeping active, without noise, in a Japanese apartment in the winter.

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